Your Name Will Last Forever

September 29, 2024

Pastor John Hering

Luke 10:17-20

Luke 10:17-20

17 The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name!”

18 He told them, “I was watching Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Look, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing will ever harm you. 20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names have been written in heaven.”

You’ve all been to a ribbon cutting ceremony.  It certainly is a happy day when a new hospital or school has its grand opening and the name of the person who contributed money for that place has their name displayed on the building.  For instance T. Boone Pickens comes to mind for me.  His name is on the Cancer Building at Big Baylor Hospital in downtown Dallas.  Many of the Elementary and Middle Schools have names associated with them as well (Shrade, Toler, Person, Etc).  Having their names displayed on the buildings means their name will be around for a long time.

We all would like for our names to last.  Maybe that’s why we like to get them written in unusual places.  Climb almost any mountain, walk through a park, or go boating under a bridge and you will find people who have written their names.  Others have even carved their names into trees and rocks to be remembered.  If you go to Tyler State Park I know there is a tree there with a heart and two names carved into it—Jake & Lauren—the place where they got engaged.  Maybe you have your name drawn, painted or carved into a special place in nature, or put it into wet cement, or carved into desks at school. 

Today in Luke 10 Jesus is talking to his disciples about their work and where they wanted to have their names written down.  So, may the Holy Spirit guide our thoughts so you are confident that

Your Name Will Last Forever!

Identifying Who You Are

From the moment we are born our names are written down.  It might be on a little card in the baby carrier in the hospital, and then placed on your birth certificate and that’s important!  Your name is very important as a part of your identity. You will use your name to identify that the computer is yours, that you have been trained to drive a car, school records, doctor records, employment records, and that you own money in the bank.  You will sign your name on birthday and Valentine cards because you want people to know who it is that is loving them.  You will sign contracts and agreements and your name will stand for your promise and commitment.  The day will also come when your name will appear on a death certificate—but you won’t get to sign that.  LOL!   Our name is a basic part of our life. Every person’s name is important for your identity and where it is written is also important.

All of us have experienced the power of signing our name.  You put your name on a little piece of paper and the bank gives you money for it.  The 12 men who were following Jesus not only had their personal names, but Jesus gave them another name—a Disciple of Jesus! We learn earlier about these 72 followers Jesus sent out.  This was after Jesus’ Transfiguration, casting out demons, with many people following him. 

“After this, the Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out two by two ahead of him to every town and place where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field. Go your way”

Luke 10

Look what happened when they went out in the power of Jesus name! “17 The seventy-two returned with joy.”  These followers of Jesus went in the name of Jesus.  They identified with Jesus who was the prophet, priest and king they loved.  After their work of sharing Jesus’ name they returned. “17 The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name!” They returned with joy because they used the tools Jesus gave them and they proclaimed the name that changed people’s lives for eternity.  They were also so excited about their special powers!  But, Jesus didn’t congratulate them, did he?  

18 He told them, “I was watching Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Look, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy. And nothing will ever harm you. 

Their powers and miracles were great.  The first generation Apostles went out and fulfilled this prophesy of Jesus in the Book of Acts.  They knew the power of Jesus and identified with him as their powerful Savior.

But there was something much greater about the name of Jesus!  It was the full victory over Satan that would take place on the cross.  In Jesus’ words and mind, this victory had already taken place.  The work was completed by Jesus, but the results were seen by the miracles of the disciples.  Perhaps another reason that Jesus did not make a big deal of their miracles, is that these miracles would stop in the next generation of Christians.  But, the more important miracle, that of faith, would continue to take place through the proclamation of the Word of God.  Yes, because of the saving work of Jesus and their connection to him through faith, they identified who they were, namely, followers of Christ their Powerful Ally that would Last Forever.

Application:  How many people have sat in these chairs with the opportunity to hear and believe this same message?  We thank the Lord for the opportunities he has graciously given to us to follow him.  But, we are also saddened by those who have sat in these chairs, heard the Word of God spoken, and have chosen to reject it.  Let this serve as a warning to us!  We are a church that prides itself in education.  But, sometimes I wonder if we are so busy spoon feeding everybody, that our spoon fed faith never gets tested!  We must be careful that we do not create doctrinally correct Christians who don’t have a clue how to use what they have been given.  Perhaps it is as simple as saying, “How well do you identify with the command of Jesus to go and proclaim the gospel to all the world?”  Or even simpler, “What does being a disciple of Jesus mean to you?  How do you show it?”  Let us be eager to come and be renewed in who we are—God’s People who are identifying with Christ and

Solidifying Where You’re Going

It was a wonderful event that the 72 followers enjoyed.  Jesus wanted them to enjoy an even greater event.

20 Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names have been written in heaven.”

There was the key to lasting Joy and Happiness!  The followers were so excited about the miracles such as casting our demons.  But, Jesus said they should not make this the foundation for their joy.  True, lasting joy comes from knowing that their names HAD BEEN written in heaven!  Jesus was there to Solidify Where They Would Spend Eternity.  He had said to them,

56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy people’s souls, but to save them.” 

Of all the places his followers would use their name, the most important news they or anyone else could hear was that Jesus Solidified Where They Were Going because he wrote their names in the Book of Life with his sacrificial blood. Their names were written in heaven.

It might be enjoyable to see your name written on a piece of paper, but in time that paper will become garbage.  What a blast to see your name in lights, but that won’t last either.  Even if you have your name engraved in a rock or tree, it will be all wiped out when the world comes to an end and is destroyed by fire.  However, this is Jesus’ promise: Only your name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life will endure forever.  This is guaranteed by Jesus who is your Savior and Ally!

Jesus knew the disciples would face the devil and the wicked world in the future that would cause injury and even death.  They would pay a heavy price for following Jesus.  Jesus also knew they already had his name through faith and no one could take away their names being written in heaven.  This Solidified Where They Were Going.  Evil men cannot reach into heaven’s record and erase what God has created.  Not even the devil has an eraser for the record book in heaven.  Where you are going to spend eternity is solid because of Jesus Christ.  His gracious gift of forgiveness for all your sins is complete as he paid the ultimate price for you.  Think about it.  56 men signed the Declaration of Independence and paid a price to put their names on that document.  We even say, “Put your, ‘John Hancock’ on the line when we ask someone to sign a document, because he wrote his name with large letters when he signed.  He wanted the King of England to see his name, even without his glasses!  LOL!  The king saw it, and all the others did as well, and these men became a prime targets.  5 were captured and tortured before their died, 12 men had their home looted and burned.  9 died fighting in the war.  These were all important men who put their names on a document and paid the price.  But, they had a goal in mind and by signing the document they knew where they were heading—to a free nation!

Jesus paid the higher price for you.  Jesus is our eternal Ally that Solidified Where You Are Going.  Imagine!  I will sign a document if I’m going to get something good from signing, but Jesus signed our eternal document by taking on the punishment of our sins from God!  All you are is a hungry person who knows you need the Bread of Life.  All you are is a thirsty person who knows you need the Water of Life.  All you are is a sinner, a forgiven sinner because of Jesus, your Powerful Ally, who paid the ultimate price for you.  That, dear Christian friends, Solidifies Where You’re Going!  Believe it!

So, is your name all that important?  Well, you may not have your name written on a hospital, school, museum, or carved into a tree or rock, but there are lots of names people can call you.  Did you hear what I just called you? I just called you a Christian!  You have been called by God to be a member of his family with a little water and in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  You may identify as Alcorn, Bunch, Bonilla, Gross, Mahn, Schroeter or Zudel, but the identity that matters is that you Identify As God’s Own Dear Child.  And while you may not know where you’re going tomorrow, Jesus Christ has solidified Where You’re Going when you die.  Your Name Will Last Forever as God’s Glorified People in Heaven!  Amen!

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