Believe The Gospel Is For All

December 24, 2023

Pastor John Hering

Romans 16:25-27

Romans 16:25-27

25 Now to him who is able to strengthen you—according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was veiled in silence for long ages past, 26 but now has been revealed through the prophetic Scriptures and made known to all the Gentiles, in keeping with the command of the eternal God, resulting in the obedience of faith—27 to God, who alone is wise, be glory forever through Jesus Christ. Amen.

When you read one of the letters written by St Paul, Peter or John they would begin the letter with their signature.  So, Paul started his Letter to the Romans like this: “Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle” (Rom 1:1).  There is something that stands out in Paul’s introduction to his letter because he doesn’t identify his readers until verse 7, “To all those loved by God who are in Rome, called to be saints” (Rom 1:7).  So, what’s in-between is our focal point today.  Paul is so excited to proclaim this message it filled 6 verses! This gospel is about his Son—who in the flesh was born a descendant of David” (Rom 1:3).  Paul starts the letter and ends the letter with the Gospel, the Good News that Jesus was born, lived, died on the cross to wash away our sins and rose again to prove that his mission was successful.  Yes, The King Came Just As God Promised.  As we prepare to celebrate the Savior born in Bethlehem today and tomorrow, I hope and pray you are just as excited as Paul to…..

Believe The Gospel Is For All

Because the mystery is revealed

You have heard people say, “We are so blessed to live in this present age compared to years ago.”  They are probably talking about all the conveniences like electricity, AC, and cars/trucks.  But, they do speak the truth.  We know so much more about God’s plan of salvation than they did in the Old Testament.  Paul said, “according to the revelation of the mystery that was veiled in silence for long ages past.” Of all the mysteries that the prophets spoke the one about a virgin having a child must have made heads spin.  “Therefore the Lord himself will give a sign for all of you. Look! The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and name him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14).  Immanuel, “God with us.” Amazingly, God would choose to be with us through the womb of Mary, a virgin.  A survey conducted by Time Magazine found that more Americans believe in the details of the Christmas story than believing that human beings can create global warming. (Time Magazine: Americans believe in the virgin birth).  Because of the widespread celebration of Christmas many people grew up simply accepting this as fact, that Jesus was born of the virgin Mary.  Yet, this creates a modern-day mystery for us if people realize what they are agreeing with!  Because it’s not that simple.  Dr. Becker wrote: “What we sometimes fail to realize is that this fact that in Christ God and man are united in one individual and indivisible person is in reality the greatest miracle in the whole history of the human race” (“God Manifest in the Flesh: The Mystery of the Personal Union,” Siegbert W. Becker, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary online essay file, p. 1). God becoming man in the virgin birth is not that simple at all. It may very well be the most unnatural mysterious event ever.  Compare this to how many people believe the stork drops off children on the front porch! The virgin birth of Immanuel is as mysterious as the very gospel of God itself is mysterious.  But, not for you.  For you know the answer to this mystery that has been revealed to you!

When the Prophet Samuel spoke to King David about the promised Messiah it was a mystery for him. 16 Your house will stand firm, and your kingdom will endure forever before you.  Your throne will be established forever” (2 Sam 7:16).  This promise of God found its immediate and partial fulfillment in David’s son, Solomon, but its ultimate fulfillment in David’s greater son, Jesus Christ. When God’s time came for this mystery to be revealed God sent the angel to a devoted believer named Joseph who was pledged to be married to a devoted believer named Mary. “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife (Matthew 1:20).  God kept his promise, for Joseph was the step-father of Jesus, and Mary was the biological mother of Jesus.  Both were descendants of David and, therefore, Jesus was born as a descendant of David.  Not much of a mystery, at least on the surface.  Matthew’s gospel account, however, informs readers that a mysterious miracle was happening. “Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph, but before they came together she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:18). Joseph and Mary hadn’t yet come together in marriage so Mary couldn’t be pregnant – except, she was!  The mystery was revealed!  Mary became miraculously pregnant by the power of God the Holy Spirit so that she, a virgin, would give birth not just to a human being but to a human being who was also God.

So, what do you find harder to believe?  That virgin Mary could give birth, or the gospel?  Both are totally unnatural.  It’s unnatural for people who sin against God to receive his faithful, forgiving love. It’s unnatural for people who forget about God too often to have God answer a prayer when they suddenly remember they need something. It’s unnatural for people who carelessly go through the motions of everyday Christian behavior or Sunday worship to read that God smiles with delight even at these half empty expressions.  Mystery of mysteries!  In Jesus Christ God wants to find his fulfillment in you.  It’s a mystery, but it’s been revealed to you!  Believe it! The Gospel Is For All—It’s Been Revealed To You and  

The Savior Is For YOU

Paul said “according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery that was veiled in silence for long ages past.” Jesus Christ is our “unnatural Savior.”   It had to be this way in order to make the “unnatural gospel” come true as promised.  Jesus Christ had to be true man and true God to give you everything you need for being right with God.  Jesus is the perfect Savior, the Son of David and the Son of God.  As true God he can do anything, including a virgin birth and rising from the dead and forgiving sins. As true man he can experience everything, including pain, loneliness, fear and temptations.  The Good News is that Jesus did for you what you could never do for yourself.   Jesus takes your guilt, pain, loneliness, fear and sin upon himself.  Your destiny and identity belongs to Jesus born of the virgin Mary, not to you.  Unnatural? Mysterious? Of course, that’s why Christmas is a miracle. A miracle promised in Jesus Christ 26 but now has been revealed through the prophetic Scriptures and made known to all the Gentiles.”  Yes, the Savior is for YOU!

Jesus came for you just as God Promised.  He is your Savior and your strength.  This is Paul’s main point.  Jesus came to be the Savior just like God promised! 25 Now to him who is able to strengthen you….27 to God, who alone is wise, be glory forever through Jesus Christ. Amen.”  Our Savior is our strength.  God was so wise not to put the salvation of our souls into our own hands.  God was so wise not to trust sinful people to carry out their own salvation.  God was so wise to create the most mysterious plan of salvation and reveal it through the prophets, fulfill his plan through his Son, and bring our Savior into our hearts through the work of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament.  Yes, Our Savior deserves all glory for he is our strength, our Savior and our King! 

Now, what will be your response?  Listen again: 25 Now to him who is able to strengthen you….27 to God, who alone is wise, be glory forever through Jesus Christ. Amen.”  And how can we give God all glory this Christmas?  We give God glory when we kneel beside the manger and marvel at the mystery and confess, there in the manger is our Savior.  We give God glory when we put our trust in him.  This becomes very real when we are tempted to put our trust in earthly relationships, or money, or pleasure in our life.  Think of new parents and how they protect their newborn child.  For instance, they will be selective as to who can hold their child.  God the Father was willing to send his Son to be born of a virgin and is still willing to trust us to hold his infant Son.  Give God glory by Believing The Promised Gospel of Jesus Christ is for you.  Give God glory and thank the Lord that Jesus Christ is for you!

I would imagine that you have been receiving Christmas cards in the mail from your family and friends.  You know it’s from them because they sign their cards.  Those cards have served to remind us over and over the season we are in.  This morning we wrap up the Advent season that prepares us to rejoice again at the coming of God to be with us.  The card that God sends to you and is signed by the blood of Jesus says, The King Shall Come Just As God Promised!  He came once in a lowly manger, and will come again in the glorious skies, as the Savior who brings grace and peace to all. Let us raise our voices and Believe the Gospel Is For All.  The Mystery Has Been Revealed!  The Savior In The Manger Is For You!  Amen!

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