How Much More Can I Take?

August 11, 2024

Pastor John Hering

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

1 Corinthians 10:1-13

For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea, and they were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them—and that rock was Christ! Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them. He had them die in the wilderness.

Now these things took place as examples to warn us not to desire evil things the way they did. Do not become idolaters like some of them—as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and got up to celebrate wildly.” And let us not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell. Let us not put Christ to the test, as some of them did, and so were being destroyed by the serpents. 10 And do not grumble, as some of them grumbled, and were destroyed by the destroyer. 11 All these things that were happening to them had meaning as examples, and they were written down to warn us, to whom the end of the ages has come.

12 So let him who thinks he stands be careful that he does not fall. 13 No testing has overtaken you except ordinary testing. But God is faithful. He will not allow you to be tested beyond your ability, but when he tests you, he will also bring about the outcome that you are able to bear it.

How many hours can you work in this August heat before you have to take a break?  That depends.  Did you hydrate the day before?  Did you take your water bottle with you?  Are you working in the shade?  Are you wearing a hat?  Yes, it’s hot in August, but are you working inside with AC?  You see, there are lots of conditions that will influence how long you can work in Texas, August Heat.  

The same thing could be said about weightlifting.  How much can you lift?  If you’re going for a personal record in squatting, you will probably put on as many weights on the dumb bell that you believe you can lift. Then you grab a spotter or two and find out how much weight you squat down and get back up into the standing position.

These are easy examples to talk about, but what about your life?  I know there are people here who are going through some difficult times and how often have you asked yourself, “How much more can I take?”  I suppose it depends on who is asking the question.  There are times I get down because of the problems and stressful situations I have, but there are people in the world that would love to have my problems compared to what they are going through.  “How much more can I take?” 

I suppose the answer has a lot to do with ones’ perspective in the issue.  I know someone who would love to have the problems you have at work because they don’t have a job and are struggling to make ends meet for their family.  I know someone who would love the problems you have trying to raise your children, because they haven’t been blessed by God to have any children.  How many times have you walked into the kitchen and said, “There’s nothing to eat in here!” while there are millions in the world who would love to enjoy the food that is in your pantry right now. 

I think you’re getting the picture—it’s all about perspective, isn’t it?  Depending on your perspective you have a lot of advantages that other people in the world simply don’t have. No one in this room is concerned that their home will be bombed when you go home after worship today.  None of us is too worried about another country invading the USA today.  We all have the basic necessities of clothing, shelter, and food.  Therefore, may the Holy Spirit help us to Focus On The Necessities of Life and calm the heart that is asking,

How Much More Can I Take?

To See My Advantages

The Apostle Paul begins the words that are before us today by talking to the Christians in the city of Corinth about advantages.

“For I do not want you to be unaware, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud and all passed through the sea, and they were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual food and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them—and that rock was Christ!”

The Children of Israel had God himself as their leader. He called Moses to be his spokesman and to lead the people out of Egypt.  He rescued them by parting the Red Sea.  He provided mana and quail, water and anti-snake venom while in the desert.  God followed them through the wilderness with his amazing and protecting presence in a pillar of fire at night and a pillar of cloud during the day. God gave them Israel every advantage. They were God’s chosen people. He fought for them. He made his presence known among them. He loved them. You’d expect to hear that they lived happily ever after, but God tells a vastly different story:

Nevertheless, God was not pleased with most of them. He had them die in the wilderness.”

Israel had every advantage, but they sure failed to see those advantages and often grumbled, “How Much More Can I Take?”

What did Israel do with their advantages? They threw them away. They took false security in God’s closeness to them and paid no attention to being close to God themselves. They took God’s presence for granted and decided to live for themselves instead of dedicating their lives to him. God’s presence among them was not cherished and everyone 20 years and older ended up dying in the wilderness as a result.  It was a lesson for the Corinthians, and a lesson for us to remember:

Now these things took place as examples to warn us not to desire evil things the way they did. Do not become idolaters like some of them—as it is written, “The people sat down to eat and drink, and got up to celebrate wildly.” And let us not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did, and in one day twenty-three thousand fell. Let us not put Christ to the test, as some of them did, and so were being destroyed by the serpents.”

Maybe you haven’t built any golden calves in your back yard, but there is plenty of idolatry in our hearts.  How about the times we let things take the #1 place in our hearts and lives?  Should I name a few?  How about the love of money, our time, or should I say, “No time” for God.   Perhaps you would never visit a prostitute, but how many times have you invited them into your home through the internet or TV?  We sin against the Lord in the attitudes we harbor in our hearts, in stubborn defiance, in our insistence to live life our way.  And if you aren’t uncomfortable yet, Paul wrote,

10 And do not grumble, as some of them grumbled, and were destroyed by the destroyer.”  

Today if God struck down those who grumbled like he did at the rebellion of Korah in Numbers 16– it would be way more than the 14,700 people who died as a result of grumbling.  If God were to come down in judgement today like he did back then – this church would be pretty empty, including the pulpit!  Just stop and think the next time you’re tempted to say, “How Much More Can I Take,” and compare it to God saying, “How Much More Can I Take!”  How long could you go from this moment forward without complaining?  Would you make it to the end of this service without complaining?  Would you make it to supper time?  When the sun goes down, will you still be standing!  If you are anything like me, you wouldn’t make it very long at all.  This fact wakes us up and remember to See Our Advantages because we know our solution is in Christ.  We have our failures, but Christ had none.  We committed sin after sin, but Christ committed none.  Then Christ answered the question, “How Much More Can I Take?”  Jesus Christ took it all when he died on the cross to pay the penalty of our sins and provide the holiness we need for life in heaven.  Jesus Took It All in order for you

To See Your Victory

Don’t find a false security in the life that you live! Don’t be lulled into feeling good about yourself because of your upbringing, you’re a pretty good person, where you live, or because your life is relatively easy.  Don’t let a life that has earthly advantages blind you.  None of those things have a sure foundation, give you real security, or can bring you anything that lasts forever!  St. Paul directs our attention to See Our Victory and avoid asking, “How Much More Can I Take,” but declare, “Lord give me strength to bear up under the pressure!” 

11 All these things that were happening to them had meaning as examples, and they were written down to warn us, to whom the end of the ages has come. 12 So let him who thinks he stands be careful that he does not fall. 13 No testing has overtaken you except ordinary testing.”

Temptation is a part of life in this sinful world. It’s common and ordinary in this sin-broken world.  But, it is not excuse to fall into sin.  Testing comes to everyone. But if you don’t face it the right way with the victory won for you by Christ Jesus – you will fall.  If you think that it’s by your own strength that you can face it, then you’ll find out quickly just how wrong you are as you fall face first in failure. You’ll find out just how little you can stand it on your own!

It’s a good thing, for you, then, that it’s not about How Much More You Can Take.  Rather it’s all about who is standing with you! The recipe for facing the troubles of this world, hardship, persecution and temptation is all the same. It’s not about How Much More You Can Take, but about who won the victory for you on the cross.  Paul tells you! “But God is faithful.”  When we fall, God remains faithful.  He is faithful to his plan of salvation, to his declaration of all people being not guilty through faith in Jesus Christ. He is faith to his promise to be your strength and your shield and your deliverer. He’s conquered your biggest foes and gives you the victory as a free gift of his grace. God is faithful.  Live in peace.  Jesus faithfully suffered the pain and punishment that should have been ours. He faithfully endured the wrath of God so that we could be spared. He faithfully gave up his life as the only price that gives us heaven.  God is faithful!  See Your Victory!

And the faithfulness continues.  He will not allow you to be tested beyond your ability, but when he tests you, he will also bring about the outcome that you are able to bear it.  He’s faithful in coming into our lives through Word and sacrament. He loves us and forgives our many sins. He protects us from the assaults of the evil one.  The Lord is faithful to love us even when we don’t love ourselves. The Lord is faithful to his promise to work out all things—even the hardship and trials, even the crosses and the pains that we bear in life—for our good. Even when we are tempted to ask, “How Much More Can I Take” because we don’t see it or understand it. The Lord is faithful and will strengthen us to stand!  In Jesus stand to endure the hardships of life. Cast all your cares on Jesus. In Jesus stand in the presence of God and joyfully sing the praises of him who “called us out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).  You are God’s own dear child and Christ rules your heart.  Stand, serve and live what God has made you!  See Your Victory In Jesus Christ!

Dear Christian friends, How Much More Can You Take the Texas Heat, how much can you lift, How much more stress and trouble can you endure?  How Much More Can You Take?  Lots in Christ!  Focus your attention on Jesus, your Savior with his rich supply of spiritual food for your life now and forever!  See Your Advantage!  See Your Victory!  Don’t ask “How Much More Can I Take,” but rather, thank you Jesus for Taking It All for me!  Amen!

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