If the Good Shepherd Were Looking for a Church

April 25, 2021

Pastor John Hering

Acts 4:23-33

Acts 4:23-33

23 After Peter and John were released, they went to their own friends and reported everything the high priests and the elders had said. 24 When they heard this, with one mind they raised their voices to God and said, “Master, you are the God who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. 25 By the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David, your servant, you said:

“Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 26 The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers are gathered together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.”

27 “For certainly, in this city both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and people of Israel, were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. 28 They did whatever your hand and your plan had decided beforehand should happen.

29 “Now Lord, look at their threats and give to your servants the ability to keep on speaking your word with all boldness 30 as you stretch out your hand to heal and as signs and wonders take place through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

31 After they prayed, the place where they were gathered was shaken. Also, everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they continued to speak the word of God with boldness.

32 The whole group of believers was one in heart and soul. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they held everything in common. 33 The apostles continued to testify about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ with great power, and abundant grace was on all of them.

A year ago many churches were not having live worship services in order to help stop the spread of Covid-19.  Here at Divine Peace we had only about 10 people who would come here on Sunday morning to put our services online.  Then things started to open up and we had guests showing up.  Many of them whose home church had not yet started live worship and they came to check us out.  What do you think they were looking for?  Not only a place to worship but a great place to worship.  For some a “great church” means having Mornings with Mommy, VBS, Christmas for Kids and Easter for Kids, softball teams and a teen ministry that goes to Six Flags together and a young adult’s group to gets together.  For others having upbeat worship with good musicians and vocalists ranks high.  Others look for a beautiful, spacious area that is attractive to the eye.  Some are looking for a dynamic preacher and an enthusiastic congregation that is warm and friendly.  It is always a joy on a follow up visit when they say, “You walk in the door and you can just tell the people are on fire for Jesus!”  These are all important items for us to think about.  But, today I want to think about something else.  If the Good Shepherd was seeking a great church, what would he be looking for?  The church with the best tasting coffee, how the pastor and people dress, and if there is a beautiful facility with a full orchestra?  Let’s meditate on Acts 4 together and ask ourselves:

If The Good Shepherd Was Looking For A Great Church…

Great in Prayer

In Acts 4 we learn about a “great church.”  Even though Jesus had now ascended into heaven, he promised to be with his disciples and in Acts 4 we can see that Jesus was everything to them. They were a church that took Jesus’ word seriously so when he told them to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel, that is what they did starting in Jerusalem.  Peter and the apostles proclaimed the crucified and risen Lord Jesus and we learn that the church grew to 3,000 on Pentecost and soon after the estimate was 5,000 men (plus women and children).  In a very short time the church was 100 times bigger than Divine Peace.  There were veteran Christians and new Christians who faced the challenge to avoid becoming sheep without a Shepherd.

It is Good Shepherd Sunday.  We do think about the care and protection a shepherd gives to his sheep.  The shepherds of God’s flock in Jerusalem were facing a huge challenge: 23 After Peter and John were released, they went to their own friends and reported everything the high priests and the elders had said.”  Peter and John were thrown into prison because of the excitement that was created over their healing of the cripple man at the temple.  The authorities told them to stop preaching about Jesus.  But, when the church learned what happened, what did they do? 24 When they heard this, with one mind they raised their voices to God.” For the people to have this reaction something really BIG must have happened so they would turn in confidence to the Lord.  We see clues in their prayer: ““Master, you are the God who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them.”  They prayed to the only true God!  The God who created everything!  And while they knew they were sinners, they knew they could pray to God with confidence because something BIG did happen.  Jesus, the Good Shepherd, said, “I laid down my life for the sheep” (John 10:15).  Jesus died and rose again and paid the sins of all people so that now God declared all people righteous.  No matter how many there were or where they were from, the church in Jerusalem trusted that God has forgiven them all!  Think of the makeup of this church!  Whether they denied or betray Jesus, whether tax collectors or prostitutes or Pharisees or cheaters or robbers—Jesus laid down his life for them all!  The Good Shepherd made them one—a church united in prayer! If the Good Shepherd was looking for a Great Church, he looked for a group of people that were great in prayer!

Dear Christians friends, what Jesus did for them he did for us.  Whether from Garland or Greenville. Whether you’ve delivered words that were dirty or disgusting, whether selfish or self-centered, whether cheating or corrupt, whether immoral or dishonest—Jesus the Good Shepherd laid down his life for you.  He came to save the wicked and the gather the wandering sheep into God’s Sheep pen of forgiveness.  Jesus made us one with God and one with each other who join together to pray to God with adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplications.  If the Good Shepherd were looking for a church of people who prayed with confidence to God, he would, for Jesus’ sake, be looking at you!  But, there’s more.  He would also be looking for a church with

Great in Possessions

Think of Peter and John again for a moment.  They were from Galilee but were now living in Jerusalem.  Don’t picture them as rich fisher men with rental properties in Jerusalem.  Something BIG must have happened.  It did.  They learned of God’s great love for them and his promise to provide for all their needs.  They trusted in God’s promise and lived with people in Jerusalem who trusted in that promise, too.  How do I know.  Their prayer gives us a clue.  As you listen to their prayer please notice the absence of the words, “I, me and mine.”  ““Master, you are the God who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them. 25 By the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of our father David, your servant, you said: “Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain? 26 The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers are gathered together against the Lord and against his Anointed One.”  27 “For certainly, in this city both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and people of Israel, were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. 28 They did whatever your hand and your plan had decided beforehand should happen. 29 “Now Lord, look at their threats and give to your servants the ability to keep on speaking your word with all boldness 30 as you stretch out your hand to heal and as signs and wonders take place through the name of your holy servant Jesus.”  Before the events of Good Friday and Easter the disciples were all about who was the greatest, or worried about “Is it I”?  But, now they spoke in the plural, “OUR Father David” and “YOUR servants” all in “the name of your holy servant Jesus.”

Something BIG happened alright! The Good Shepherd said, “I laid down my life for the Sheep….and there shall be one flock and one shepherd” (Jn 10:15, 16).  The Good Shepherd made them one with God and one with each other.  They even shared their possessions with each other as Luke wrote, 32 The whole group of believers was one in heart and soul. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they held everything in common.” I could preach about lying and some of your consciences would be touched.  Or I could preach about adultery and stealing and others of you would wonder if I was following you around this past week.  But, when I preach about money and our possessions then I think everyone here is touched.  Why?  Because we all fight this battle of greed.  Deep inside we are all infected with selfishness and we like our possessions.  No wonder the Good Shepherd had to come to pay the price and save us from our greed and free us to use our Great Possessions in service to him!  Because of Jesus we are the richest people in the world with eternal treasures waiting for us in heaven.

The Good Shepherd brings us together as his flock and merges our time, talents and treasures so we can carry out his kingdom work and care for each other.  We carry out his kingdom work by confessing our sins, listening to his Word, confess the Creed, offering our treasures and enjoy being his people with great possessions in service to him.  For those who are not so active in using your great possessions in service to God, repent and remember you are forgiven and it’s not too late to get busy.  And for those of you who are active in using your great possessions in service to God, thank you.  So, if the Good Shepherd were looking for a Great Church filled with people rich in the Gospel using their Great Possessions in service to him, he would, for Jesus’ sake, be looking at you!  But, there’s more.  God would also be looking for a church that was

Great in Power

We have been talking about sharing the gospel with our neighbors in our Sunday morning Bible Study called “One by One.”  Our study has impressed on us the importance of answering Jesus’ command to proclaim his love to people in spite of our business, excuses and fears.  One of the fears we talked about was the fear of ridicule or opposition.  Can we visit the early disciples once again and talk about the fears they faced!  Where in the world did they get their courage and power to proclaim Jesus before the opposing religious authorities and later on before Roman guards and kings?  Something BIG must have happened so they could proclaim Jesus with such courage and power!   Their prayer gives us a clue: ““Master, …. Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and people of Israel, were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed. 28 They did whatever your hand and your plan had decided beforehand should happen.  29 Now Lord, look at their threats and give to your servants the ability to keep on speaking your word with all boldness.”   Something BIG did happen.  The Good Shepherd said, “And I lay down my life for the sheep.… I lay down my life so that I may take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have the authority to lay it down, and I have the authority to take it up again.” (John 10:15,18).  Do you see?  Their great power did not rest in who they were, but in who Jesus is.  Jesus is the one who died to save us all from the punish of our sins.  Jesus is the one who rose from the dead to show his power over Satan, curse of sin and sting of death.  Something BIG happened alright!  Jesus rose from the dead.  Jesus’ resurrection was the key to their power and courage to freely proclaim his gospel to others. 31 After they prayed, the place where they were gathered was shaken. Also, everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they continued to speak the word of God with boldness….  33 The apostles continued to testify about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ with great power, and abundant grace was on all of them.” 

That same Jesus is with you and me.  I know how it is when mom and dad drop off their kid at Grandpa and Grandma’s house.  When they leave the kids start to cry because they get scared to be away from mommy and daddy.  Remember, Jesus has ascended into heaven, but when these Christians were done praying for God’s boldness to proclaim Jesus Christ with great power, the place shook with God’s grace as the Holy Spirit filled their hearts with the gospel power of the Good Shepherd who was with them.  Likewise Jesus promised to be with you and me.  Jesus’ promised forgiveness has restored God’s perfect relationship with us and with each other.  Jesus, our Good Shepherd, has given us Great Power to confess his name.  So, if the Good Shepherd were looking for a great church filled with people who were powerfully confessing Jesus Christ according to the power of his Word, he would be looking, for Jesus’ sake, at you.

Conclusion:  So, when you think about people who are church shopping and compare the early church in Jerusalem to churches people are looking for today, do you think they would gravitate toward that early church?  They didn’t have Mornings with Mommy, VBS or softball teams.  I don’t think they had Kingdom Kids, Youth or Youth Adults groups.  The music probably wasn’t upbeat or the worship space beautiful.  But, they did have what was important.  They had a church that the Good Shepherd would look for.  It was filled preachers who proclaimed the truth of God’s Word and people who were on fire for Jesus. Do you know what that sounds like to me?  It sounds like the type of great church God would look for today.  It sounds like Divine Peace, for Jesus’ sake.  May God continue to bless you, the members of Divine Peace, with your Great Prayers, using your Great Possessions, and trusting in God’s Great Power to proclaim the Gospel of the Good Shepherd.  It a Church the Good Shepherd would be looking for—a church of sinners redeemed by the Good Shepherd.  Amen.

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