One Step Closer to Real Glory

February 27, 2022

Pastor John Hering

Luke 9:28-36

Luke 9:28-36

28 About eight days after he said these words, Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. 29 While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothing became dazzling white. 30 Just then, two men, Moses and Elijah, were talking with him! 31 They appeared in glory and were talking about his departure, which he was going to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem.

32 Peter and those with him were weighed down with sleep, but when they were completely awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him.

33 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He did not realize what he was saying.

34 While he was saying these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them. They were afraid as they went into the cloud. 35 Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love.  Listen to him!” 36 After the voice had spoken, they found Jesus alone. They kept this secret and told no one in those days any of the things they had seen.

The good times in your life aren’t going to last.  Yes, we do enjoy days when things are going rather smoothly.  But, we all know that sooner or later a cloud of gloom fogs up our life.  Today I want you to realize that the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ is the solution in order to deal with the tough days.  You might be someone here today that has little knowledge of the life of Jesus or you might be the person who has a thorough training in the Bible, but either way the Transfiguration of Jesus remains a mystery for many Christians.  Luke records this event for us that happened about six months before Jesus’ death on the cross.  At this time Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray. 29 While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothing became dazzling white.”  What happened is easy to see.  But why it happened has to be uncovered for us.  Moses went up the mountain and saw God and he glowed, but his glory faded.  Jesus is shining with unborrowed glory!  Why is this so significant for you and me?

Let me summarize it for you.  Jesus began his ministry at about the age of 30. For two and a half years his message and miracles, his words and works had one purpose: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost(Luke 19:10).  Now Jesus’ time with his disciples is coming to an end.  He tells them plainly that he is going to Jerusalem to suffer and die.  They would not see him any longer.  Imagine the disciples’ reaction.  They were deflated and defeated, perplexed and puzzled.  How could they cope with Jesus dying on a cross?  That’s when Jesus takes Peter, James and John up the mountain to bring them

One Step Closer To Real Glory

For Jesus

We know who Jesus is.  He is God.  Jesus could have come to this earth like all the man-made false gods and force everyone to kiss his sandals.  Do you see why the temptations of the devil at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and the disciples wish for Jesus to avoid suffering and death were so offensive to Jesus?  The eternal destiny of all mankind was at stake. If Jesus did not go to the cross and die then sinners would have to pay for their own sins.  Recognize the danger of our sinful nature to gravitate toward the glory of the law to get our answers.  But just like Moses, the glory of the law fades away.  I’ll show you.  Which sins of yours shall I mention today?  Maybe you are hoping for a happier marriage.  Just spend more time with each other, remember to treat each other with respect, or buy some special gifts for your spouse—just follow these three steps and your marriage will be happier.  Or maybe you are hoping to a better relationship with a family members.  Treat them like you want to be treated, ask them about their life, share some love with them and the relationship will improve.  Perhaps you’re looking for a better life for you or for your kids.  If we follow these five steps then our life will get better.  All of these laws sound good until it all fades away.  It’s like the young mom struggling to raise her kids with tons of issues. She talks on and on about all she is trying to do.  I just listen and take it all in.  You all know what she is looking for, right?  She isn’t really there looking for advice, but for me to tell her she is a good mom.  So, I ask her, “Do you think you’re being a good mom?” and she bursts into tears.  Why?  Because the glorious law only brings death to our souls.  She doesn’t need more law, but she needs the gospel hidden in Jesus Christ.  In all of these examples it is our nature to gravitate to the law to make our life better.  But, the law grabs us by the collar and says, “You haven’t been a good parent, spouse or family member.  You have to pay for this!”  If Jesus had not gone to the cross, you would have to pay for all your failures!  Do you really want more laws to obey, or something else?

Jesus, as true God and true man, knew full well what was in store for him in Jerusalem—mockery, whip, thorns, nails and hanging on the cross.  Yet he was willing to do it.  So this moment of shining glory of the Mount happened at just the right time. 29 While he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothing became dazzling white. 30 Just then, two men, Moses and Elijah, were talking with him! 31 They appeared in glory and were talking about his departure, which he was going to bring to fulfillment in Jerusalem.”   Moses the law giver and Elijah the great prophet appeared next to the one who came to fulfill the demands of God’s law and all the prophecies recorded by the prophets.  The topic of their discussion was Jesus’ “departure.”  They were talking about what Jesus came to do. With what words do you think they encouraged Jesus. “The Father sent you to save the world.  Don’t give up!  The end is in sight!  You will come out victorious! You Are One Step Closer To Real Glory!”

Added to their words of encouragement came the best words Jesus could ever hear. 35 Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love.  Listen to him!”  At the beginning of this ministry Jesus heard the same words at his baptism.  The Father repeated these strengthening words, “Yes, you are the one and only Savior!  You Are One Step Closer To Real Glory.” What encouragement for Jesus who knew the glory of the law faded, and only the glory that was found in him would last forever.  Just before Jesus would enter into his time of intense suffering and death he saw glory that would encourage and carry him through suffering to permanent glory in heaven.  It was also encouragement

For the Disciples

We can easily put ourselves next to the disciples looking for Jesus to show his glory by ruling an earthly kingdom.  How could Jesus do that if he was going to suffer and die?  The Transfiguration could not have come at a better time for them as well. 32 Peter and those with him were weighed down with sleep, but when they were completely awake, they saw his glory and the two men standing with him. 33 As the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to him, “Master, it is good for us to be here. Let’s make three tents: one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He did not realize what he was saying.” While Luke does not record a direct answer to Peter’s question, this moment of seeing Jesus’ glory ended and the next day they were once again on their way to Jerusalem.  It would take some time before they would recognize the hidden glory in Christ.

It would have been wonderful if a few months later we witnessed Peter, James and John at the foot of the cross watching Jesus pay for the sins of the world and to have them recall this moment of glory.  How reassuring it could have been for them to recall Jesus’ Transfiguration.  But, we find them hiding in together afraid and troubled.  That’s because the real glory of Jesus was hidden from them.  It had to be uncovered.  They would come One Step Closer To Real Glory when, by the power of the Holy Spirit, they realized what God was doing when the glorious Gospel of Jesus was revealed and never faded.  The Gospel pointed to Jesus who suffered, died and rose again to forgive the sins of the everyone.  This was glory revealed in Jesus Christ that they could stare at, and share! 

It was the Real Glory of Jesus’ crucifixion to pay for their sins that gave them real courage and hope.  Knowing the glorious gospel of Jesus once hidden was the instrument they need to cope during their down and difficult days.  The Book of Acts records many occasions when they were persecuted for bearing witness to Jesus lasting glory.  Perhaps this verse from Acts 5:41 sums up well for us their confidence in the hidden glory of Jesus: The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing that they were considered worthy to suffer shame for the Name.”  Throughout their ministries, the disciples treasured the glimpse of the Transfiguration Glory that was hidden in the incarnation of Jesus and would carry them through their suffering One Step Closer To Real Glory in heaven. It is this same glory that is

For Us

I know, when things are going well for us we may not recall the glory of Christ all that much.  But, when those difficult days arise, especially days when the guilt of sin arises, then we don’t want to only see the glory of Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, for then we will only see the transcendent God who sees your sin and is scary.   Rather we want to recall the hidden glory uncovered for us by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Word and the means of grace.  Recall the sacrificial work of Jesus to redeem us.  That is the hidden glory that is unleashed in order for us to stare at it.  It is the glory that gives us life when family troubles arise, or the job goes south, or you’re watching the casket of a loved one being placed into the ground.   We can enjoy the good times in our life, but when the bad times come around (car died, heating bill went up, doctor announces you have cancer, or the price for reaching your dreams is inflated), we want to be able to cope.  That’s when we want to climb back up the Mount of Transfiguration and catch a glimpse of Jesus’ glory.  This glory is One Step Closer To Real Glory! 

Yes, we can enjoy the good days of God’s grace, but we can also expect that foggy days of trouble will come.  When they come along recall the hidden glory in Jesus Christ.  Suffering, hardship, troubles and problems will serve God’s purpose.  First, they prove that we cannot stand in the glory of God’s law since we are imperfect and frail.  They will serve to drive us back to rely on God’s glory—not the glory of his law, but the glory of the Gospel of Jesus.  Secondly, our troubles remind us remind us that our stay on this earth is temporary and that God has something much better in mind for us.

  Celebrate the Transfiguration of Jesus that brings us One Step Closer to Real Glory.  This Sunday marks the end of Epiphany and this Wednesday we will begin the season of Lent by observing Ash Wednesday.  I will have Lent services on Wednesdays at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm.   We do this to remind ourselves of our sinfulness and need for forgiveness.  We will recall the suffering of Jesus and will be able to cope with somber worship and serious issues in life because we know what’s on the other side.  We know that the Transfiguration and the season of Lent brings us One Step Closer To Real Glory.  The real glory is hidden in Jesus Christ and uncovered for us at the cross and the empty tomb.  It is the sweet gospel that pierces through the fog of a troubled life and says, “You, dear child of God, Are Forgiven!”  Amen!

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