Prepare To Meet The King of Divine Peace

December 10, 2023

Pastor John Hering

2 Peter 3:8-14

2 Peter 3:8-14

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: For the Lord, one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day. The Lord is not slow to do what he promised, as some consider slowness. Instead, he is patient for your sakes, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance.

10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will pass away with a roar, the elements will be dissolved as they burn with great heat, and the earth and what was done on it will be burned up.  11 Therefore, since all these things will be destroyed, what kind of people ought you to be, living in holiness and godliness, 12 as you look forward to and hasten the coming of the day of God? That day will cause the heavens to be set on fire and destroyed, and the elements to melt as they burn with great heat. 13 But according to his promise we look forward to new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.

14 Therefore, dear friends, as you look forward to these things, make every effort to be found in peace, spotless and blameless in his sight.

You have prepared for big events in your life.  Maybe it was a graduation party, or a birthday or how about preparing for a wedding!  How are you going to get ready?  Matter of fact, we have a big day just right around the corner.  Are you ready for the big day?  You will want your house to be in order.  You will work hard so that things work out well.  Do you think I’m talking about Christmas?  Well, today is the 2nd Sunday Advent and we’re here to be reminded that Our King Shall Come and we Want To Be Prepared to Meet Him!  Yes, we are preparing our hearts to celebrate the birth of our Savior some 2000 years ago, but we also know there is time in the future when Jesus is coming back again.  We want to be prepared for both occasions with hearts of peace.  So, even as John the Baptist prepared the people to receive peace from Jesus’ first coming, let God’s Word proclaimed today help us grow in even more peace as we look forward to his second coming!  Yes, may the Holy Spirit lead us to

Prepare To Meet The King of Divine Peace

When You Meet Those Weighed Down with Cares

Peter wrote this letter to some Christians in Asia Minor that were paying the price for being Christians.  Like so many people who heard about Jesus, they were excited to know him and be in heaven with him.  But, they were also weighed down with the cares of this world.  There were family members who disagreed that Jesus was the Messiah.  They had neighbors who refused to do business with Christians and boycotted their shops.  They knew about Jesus, but there was so much they didn’t know the weighed on their hearts.  For instance, they learned Jesus was going to return and it had been about 30 years since Jesus ascended into heaven, so where was he????  Peter wrote: First, know this: In the last days scoffers will come with their mocking, following their own lusts. They will say, “Where is this promised coming of his? For from the time that our fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they have from the beginning of the creation.”  Do you remember all the people who have stood before the altar at Divine Peace and promised to be faithful to the Lord?  Right now you might be weighed down with the cares of this world—family, friends, activities, parties, shopping, preparing for Christmas! How long do you think it takes for people, maybe even you, to remember your promise before God’s altar to be faithful in worship and serving the Lord with your time, talents and treasures?  A week?  A month?  A year?  It is easy for me to imagine those Christians in Asia minor weighed down with concerns and thinking, “Jesus hasn’t been around here for over 30 years! Where did he go?  Things haven’t changed much around here.  If you think about it, they’ve actually gotten worse!  Is Jesus really in control?  Is he really coming back?”

We know when Christmas is.  That would be 14 more shopping days. That’s real and coming soon.  But, we don’t know when Jesus will return again on Judgment Day.  It could be today, or it could be years from now.  So, are you like me and failing to Prepare To Meet The King of Divine Peace?   Just watch me.  How much time am I going to spend on preparing for Jesus’ return compared to how much time I’m going to spend getting ready for Christmas.   Do these things weigh you down? I have to take care of Christmas shopping, spend my money on what I like, newer appliances, more expensive food and drink, more, more more on getting presents for the people I like, and get joy out of watching them open up their presents.  But, to spend my money and time to make a difference in the lives of other people who are weighed down with cares and concerns of this short life? To be generous with my Christmas Offerings so I help train future pastors and Christian Day School teachers to tells others about Jesus?  So my church can expand programs to share Jesus in our neighborhood, so my church body can send missionaries all over the world to proclaim the gospel!!!!!!  This makes me sound like a person who could care less about patiently looking forward to peace in Jesus.  Peter has something to say to me, and to you….“

The Lord is not slow to do what he promised, as some consider slowness. Instead, he is patient for your sakes, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance. 10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. On that day the heavens will pass away with a roar, the elements will be dissolved as they burn with great heat, and the earth and what was done on it will be burned up.”

We listen to these words because we know how easy it is to become careless about our own souls and the souls of those we love, and the souls of people all around us. Yes, Christmas is coming.  Yes, Christ is coming again.  Let’s be eager to Meet the King of Divine Peace and also help those who are Weighed Down with the Cares of this Word and

When You Meet Those Who Are Struggling with a Busy Life

Now someone might be thinking, “Look, I know how to get ready for Christmas.  Come on over to my house and I’ll show you! But how am I supposed to Prepare To Meet Him?  I mean my schedule is already very full!  I have all the Christmas shopping to get done. Then there’s the family Christmas card that still needs to be written. Should I send it snail mail and pay all those stamp prices, or go with the ever popular “Facebook” Christmas letter? Maybe I’ll skip the letter and just sign our name to a card this year.  And then there’s the decorations!!!! Should we get a new tree? New lights for the house? And what are we going to have for Christmas dinner?  Whose house are we going to for Christmas dinner?  If we go to my brother’s house, he’s sure to invite (Shuuuu this is online and they might be watching) and you know how I hate talking one and one about….. And don’t forget that office party! I never know what to wear.  And we’ll have to watch that sales guy who is such a lush. I wish they’d just give us a bonus and forget the party. So, what are going to do with all these people who are too Busy to Patiently Look Forward to Divine Peace when Jesus returns?

Oh, just like those Christians in Asia Minor, so we have our share of being busy bees! Busy cooking, cleaning, baking, planning parties, visiting, studying, traveling, and getting all ready for Christmas.  And now I’m telling you to be equally prepared for Jesus’ second coming?  Must be wearing you out!  Let’s just let God end it all right now and save us all the hassle!

Peter has another answer. So, let’s catch our breath, slow down, and listen to Peter’s answer When We Meet Those Who Are Struggling With A Busy Life. 

The Lord is not slow to do what he promised, as some consider slowness. Instead, he is patient for your sakes, not wanting anyone to perish, but all to come to repentance…..11 Therefore, since all these things will be destroyed, what kind of people ought you to be, living in holiness and godliness, 12 as you look forward to and hasten the coming of the day of God? That day will cause the heavens to be set on fire and destroyed, and the elements to melt as they burn with great heat…… 14 Therefore, dear friends, as you look forward to these things, make every effort to be found in peace, spotless and blameless in his sight.”  

You get Peter’s point, right?  Is the Lord delayed?  Really?  No, our gracious God is giving us time to prepare our hearts to celebrate Christ’s birth and his return.  So, how do you plan to be found in peace, spotless and blameless in his sight?  Of course we want to be good managers of the blessings God has given us while living here.  But, all this will go away some day (our own death or Jesus’ return).  So, use them, but don’t make them your false gods.  Rather, God created faith in our hearts to believe his Word, repent, and trust in Jesus’ forgiveness.  It was Jesus who was always perfectly patient as he waited for his Father’s plan of salvation to be carried out in his life.  It was Jesus who never forgot that the end of the world was going to come and he was the one to save it through his suffering and death.  It was Jesus who was always perfectly blameless, perfectly looking forward to being about his Father’s business.  It was Jesus who did all of this for us.  In Jesus you are Prepared To Meet The King Of Divine Peace.

So, do you see now what a wonderful season of the year Advent serves?  It gives busy people like you and me the opportunity to take a moment away from our business, our concerns, our troubles, our heartache, suffering, pain, suffering, to take a break from it all and slow down and meditate on Jesus’ amazing love for us.  Jesus is coming again for us, therefore let us Look Forward to That Wonderful Day of Peace even

When You Meet Those Drowning in Worry

Peace.  Now that’s a word that has been under attack—especially this past couple of weeks. War in the Middle East.  Perhaps you’ve dropped a coin or two into the Red Cross Kettles and now we hear that we’ve been misled about where some of the money has been going.  Good police are under attack for protecting us from bad people.  And I heard in the news there is a new virus in China!  Peace? We are living in a World Drowning in Worry!  Bad behavior has broken relationships.  The cost of living continues to rise.  It might cause even the strongest of Christians to cry out, “I’m just hanging on and I don’t know if I can take it anymore.”

Well, there were people worried in Asia Minor in Peter’s day, too. These people were under persecution for being Christians and drowning in worry. They were dealing with attacks both from without the church (age of Nero’s persecution) and within the church (evil people and false teachings). They had reason to wonder how much longer they could hang on!

Let’s see, do you know any worrywarts?  Will you have enough in the bank after the holidays to pay credit card bills?  Will the treatments for disease finally do their trick?  Will you keep your job?  Will you keep your marriage? Will you keep your loved ones?  Worried?  The fear of the unknown creates huge worry in hearts!

To help us Be Prepared to Meet the King of Divine Peace and calm our worries, Peter doesn’t point to a specific day and time of Jesus return, but what’s going to happen when he does so we’re in the know.

10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare….That day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt in the heat.”

You get the thief – we won’t expect it when it happens. The destruction – will be total. Everything about this universe will be finished.  But, then comes something far better. “ 13 But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells.” Then will come the goal of our faith—to live with Jesus in heaven. When Jesus returns, it means that we’re going home.

You may not be ready for Christmas 2023, so someone might label you as someone who is filled with concerns, or way too busy, or way too worried.  That’s fine, if in place of the business of this season you have replaced it with preparation for Meeting the King of Divine Peace, you’re all set.  Amen!

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