Stand Before God As His Dear Child

May 26, 2024

Pastor John Hering

Romans 8:12-17

Romans 8:12-17

12 So then, brothers, we do not owe it to the sinful flesh to live in harmony with it. 13 For if you live in harmony with the sinful flesh, you are going to die. But if by the Spirit you put to death the actions of the body, you will live.

14 Indeed, those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. 15 For you did not receive a spirit of slavery so that you are afraid again, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we call out, “Abba, Father!” 16 The Spirit himself joins our spirit in testifying that we are God’s children.

17 Now if we are children, we are also heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, since we suffer with him, so that we may also be glorified with him.

Sometimes it’s difficult for us to answer the question, “Why”? Why do clouds make rain?  Why are leaves on the trees green?  Why do some people on American Idol win and others are sent home?  Why do some get scholarships?  Why do others get a job and you’re still applying?    Well, you don’t know everything.  There’s a scary thought!  We don’t want to admit we don’t know something because we might lose credibility, or our confidence level might tank! Why? Why? Why?  Dear Christian friends, this is exactly how our triune God does NOT want us to feel about our spiritual relationship with him. “Where did I come from?  What is my purpose here?  What’s going to happen to me when I die?”  These are not questions to worry about because God answers these questions for us today in Paul’s letter to Romans.  On this Trinity Sunday boldly

Stand Before God As His Dear Child

Adopted By The Father

I have great respect for parents who adopt children. The proof of their intense desire to share their love with a child comes when the social worker asks, “Would you be willing to adopt a child of a race different than yours?” or the adoption agency says, “We’re sorry, but the only way for you to adopt a child is to put your name on this 3-year waiting list and pay the $10,000 fee each year,” and they answer, “That’s fine.” There’s one adoptive parent, however, whose love outshines all other adoptive parents. God the Father.

You heard what Paul was inspired to call us—” God’s children” and “sons of God.” Did you catch the nuance?  A the Shollacks would not introduce their firstborn male descendant to their friends saying, “This is my child, Nick,” but “This is my son, Nick.” The word “son” indicates a status, a position of responsibility, and sometimes maturity. And mom doesn’t holler on the way to the minivan, “C’mon sons and daughters” but, “C’mon kids.” The word “kids” or “children” indicates dependence, dearness, and usually some immaturity.

Now listen again. “16 The Spirit himself joins our spirit in testifying that we are God’s children.” What an honor that the Bible calls us “God’s children.”  But, should the Bible call us God’s children when we have so many idols in our lives?  Our dependence has been directed toward our addictions that make us feel happy and powerful. We choose to depend on them instead of God.  We choose our identity from how many followers we have on social media, our position at work, our abilities/skills, our achievements and even our sexual identity, sexual practices, and sex-filled lives have become idols, rather than our identity in Christ.  We consider our worth by how much money we have, or our physical appearance rather than our identity in Christ. We are like spoiled little brats who want God to leave us alone unless we need him for something that selfishly suits us at the moment. But God’s response isn’t determined by some spark of anger and his commitment to his children doesn’t cease because of our sinful behavior. Paul explains in Ephesians 1: For God the Father “Chose us before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will” (Ephesians 1:4-5).  God could have made his family from perfectly behaved and perfect looking people, but instead he chose us.  “16 The Spirit himself joins our spirit in testifying that we are God’s children.

Stand Before God As His Dear Child. The Father didn’t have to select you. He had other options. But he chose you. That’s proof of his love. He doesn’t want you to worry like a foster child wondering which home the social worker will take him to next. “15 For you did not receive a spirit of slavery so that you are afraid again,but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we call out, “Abba, Father!” That word “adoption” is a legal word. It means that official arrangements have been made for you that safeguard you from any influences that could hurt you or take you away from the Father’s love. So don’t be a slave to your fears. 1) Don’t be afraid of the doctor’s appointment. 2) Don’t be afraid of the future. 3) Don’t be afraid of losing your job. 4) Don’t be afraid of your shame.  Stand Before God As His Dear Child.  God the Father has made legal arrangements to keep you safe. You are adopted by the Father and free from such worries. You cry out to him, “Abba,” a Hebrew word that means, “Daddy” – “Daddy, catch me!” “Daddy, help me!” “Daddy, watch this!” “Daddy, forgive me.” “Daddy, hear my prayer.” “Daddy, take me home.”  Stand Before God The Father as His Dearly Adopted Child because you’ve been

Led by the Spirit

God knows full well what comes with those terms “children” and “son,” and he loves every bit of it. He realizes those words mean that little boys grow up to be just like dad. How many different ways do we say that? 1) Like father like son. 2) A chip off the old block. 3) The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  So, to all the unmarried ladies here today I’ll give you some free advice!  Before you say “yes” to the man of your dreams, you better get to know his dad, because that’s what he’ll be like in twenty-five years. Wait a minute!  Since we are called Children of God does that mean we’re going to turn out just like God?  It certainly does. “Be imitators of God as dearly loved children,” the Bible urges us (Ephesians 5:1). And to help us imitate him, God the Holy Spirit leads us to decide what is God-pleasing, and leads us on the path of obedience, and leads us to overpower temptation. “14 Indeed, those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”  What about those who are not led by the Spirit of God? The Bible makes it clear that unbelievers are not children of God.  Jesus spoke these words to people who looked like they were God’s children but they weren’t:  “If God were your Father, you would love me. You belong to your father, the devil” (John 8:42,44).  So, who, then, are the children of God? The Bible says, “You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:26). Those whom the Holy Spirit has led to faith are sons of God.

But how do we know that the Holy Spirit has led us to faith or what about the times when we wonder if we have enough faith? God also answers that for us. “16 The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” When you look to the cross of Jesus Christ and see your salvation, then your spirit tells you to call God your Father, it is agreeing with the Holy Spirit himself, testifying to you that you have been Led By The Spirit To Stand Before God As His Dear Child!  But there’s more. God wants to take you to more places. Bigger places. Better places. Stronger places.  Wiser places.  At these places you get to serve him like never before and witness to new people. When you follow God’s Word into all these places, you are being Led By The Spirit. A toddler learning to walk uses her little fingers to reach up and grasp onto daddy’s strong hands.  A Christian walk is always learning to mature and grow up in faith in God’s Word.  We reach up as the Holy Spirit Who Leads us to put our decisions and dreams, our plans and problems, our sensitivities and sufferings, as we grab tightly onto the strong promises of God. Stand Before God the Father as His Dearly Adopted Child As You are Led By The Spirit to be

Glorified with the Son

We believe God’s Word that our walk with God will eventually lead to heaven. But until then we step out in faith and are ready for what happens next. Sometimes it’s something delightful. Sometimes it’s something difficult or dangerous. But, as we walk we also know that we are not walking alone.  Jesus is walking with us. “17 Now if we are children, we are also heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, since we suffer with him, so that we may also be glorified with him.”  Everything the Father has given to his Son he also gives to his children!  And what has Jesus received from the Father? At Jesus’ baptism the Father said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17).  What did God say to you at your baptism?  “You are mine!  Your sins are washed away!”  In Romans 8 the God promises, “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all – how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things” (v. 32)?  How about the Father’s love, help and power he gave to Jesus.  God give you as well. When you suffer, you don’t suffer alone but Jesus is there with you to share strength and courage and hope.  God has raised Jesus from the dead and on Judgment Day he will raise you to eternal life. When that day comes Jesus will be there with you to share his glory and eternal joy.

Today is Trinity Sunday.  Maybe you can explain to me why rain comes from clouds and why leaves are green.  But, can you answer why we call God “triune?” I suppose you could memorize the Athanasian Creed and share that with people.  The fact is our triune God is impossible to explain, but not impossible to describe. And that’s exactly the kind of God we want to be responsible for saving us.  We rejoice that our God is vastly greater than our minds can create!  So, while we can’t explain all the questions about God, we can believe what the Bible says our triune God has done for us.  Therefore today we celebrate our God—three persons and one God. Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Eternal God who has answered the most important questions of all.  Who am I?  What is my purpose here?  Where am I going when I die?  Are you ready for the answer?  You Were Adopted by the Father, Led by the Holy Spirit, and Glorified with the Son. You Are God’s Own Dear Child! Amen!

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