The Reason Jesus Heals You—He Has A Plan

September 17, 2023

Pastor John Hering

Mark 1:29-39

Mark 1:29-39

29 They left the synagogue and went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was lying in bed, sick with a fever. Without delay they told Jesus about her. 31 He went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up. The fever left her, and she began to serve them. 32 That evening, when the sun had set, the people kept bringing to him all who were sick and demon-possessed. 33 The whole town gathered at the door. 34 He healed many people who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. But he did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew who he was.

35 Jesus got up early in the morning, while it was still dark, and went out. He withdrew to a solitary place and was praying there. 36 Simon and his companions searched for him, 37 and, when they found him, they said to him, “Everyone is looking for you!”

38 He told them, “Let’s go somewhere else, to the neighboring villages, so that I can preach there too. In fact, that is why I have come.” 39 Then he went throughout the whole region of Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.

Today we learned about Peter’s mother-in-law who was sick in bed.  First, that tells us that Peter was married.  Second, it makes us think about the importance of our mothers.  A Sunday School class answered the following questions about their moms:

  • Why did God make mothers? Answers: To help us out of there when we’re getting born. She’s the only one who knows where the scotch tape is. Mostly to clean the house.
  • What kind of little girl was your mom? I don’t know because I wasn’t there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
  • What does your mom do in her spare time? Mothers don’t have spare time. 
  • What’s the difference between moms and dads? Moms work at work and work at home, and dads just go to work at work.

The kids generally understood that moms serve their families.  You see, God had a plan for moms from the beginning.  And while moms are super busy taking care of so many things, when moms are asked about their role, they’ll tell you they love it. It is hardwired into their nature.  How many of you would agree one of the worst things that can happen in a home is when mom gets sick!  Just like God has plans for moms, so in the Church God Wants, he has a Plan for us to be a Church that pays forward the healing of forgiveness to others.  Today may we be renewed in God’s plan for our lives as we recall:

The Reason Jesus Heals You—He Has A Plan

Because He Cares About Your Physical Health

Jesus was with some of his disciples in Capernaum when, 29 They left the synagogue and went with James and John to the home of Simon and Andrew. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was lying in bed, sick with a fever. Peter’s mother-in-law was so sick she couldn’t go to the synagogue.  She was sick in bed with a fever.  It was the common practice to attend a special Sabbath meal and they went to Peter’s house.  When they got to the house, Mark records what Jesus did so simply and tenderly, Without delay they told Jesus about her. 31 He went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up. The fever left her.  The man who had cast out a demon from a stranger at the synagogue had a plan.  He cast out the fever from Peter’s beloved mother-in-law. Peter would remember that.

But pay special attention.  What did she did after she was healed?  She didn’t become arrogant and declare herself the queen of Capernaum.   She didn’t try to sign a book deal or do the talk show circuit. No. Jesus healed her, and her first question was, “Let’s see now, where did I put the eggs?” Or as Mark puts it so simply, The fever left her, and she began to serve them.  She used the gift of health she had been given to do what she could do out of thanks to Jesus. She served. It’s why Jesus gives gifts to us like time, health, wealth, education and so on. It’s why he heals us. It’s his plan… for the people of his church to pay forward by serving others.

And maybe you’re thinking, “I haven’t been healed by Jesus.”And I suppose you’re right if you’re thinking that healing only means that you had cancer infesting your body one week and the next week the scan comes up negative. And Jesus does that from time to time. But you are here today and not in bed with a fever. Who do you think did that?   Most of us here have had a broken bone that’s been HEALED.  Most of us here have had colds or the flu, and yet you didn’t die because of the incredible way God made our bodies with immune systems.  It was God’s plan to create you with that immune system so a virus would not take you out like that!  It was Jesus who had a plan for your life!  Think of a Christian mom telling her little children when they get a boo-boo, “Pray to Jesus to make it better.” It’s true! Jesus heals you every day according to his gracious plan.  This is something to thank him for! How?

Serve. To do anything else is to waste Jesus’ healing. Think through how you would answer the question when you are laid up in the hospital or struggling with some medical problem if someone were to ask you: “Why do you want to get better?” I want to be healed so that I can live without pain again, so that I can go hiking, so that I can enjoy travel, so that I can… wrong. I want to be healed so that I can serve. This is the Church God Wants.  It is a Church full of people who realize how much God Cares About Their Physical Health so they can make a plan on how to pass this blessing on to others.

But there’s more to why Jesus heals you.  Sometimes God allows pain to enter our lives because he wants us to realize how much we need him. Pain causes us to turn to God for help. Pain tells us that we aren’t home yet. Pain keeps us from being satisfied with the world. Pain has a way of keeping us longing for the only thing that will satisfy us, the one person: Jesus.  Do you realize how blessed you are?  So many live with pain without Jesus and desperately search for solutions.  But, not you.  You know where to turn when pain and suffering comes along. We cry out to the One who has lived life through human tears, who showed the world beyond a shadow of a doubt that he cares for you. It leads us to seek out Jesus.

And that’s exactly how Mark continues our lesson: 32 That evening, when the sun had set, the people kept bringing to him all who were sick and demon-possessed. 33 The whole town gathered at the door. Can you imagine Peter saying, “Jesus, you have visitors.” “Who is it?” “The whole town!” Do you see what was happening here? It was the Sabbath and the legal distance for walking on that day was to the synagogue and then back home. Many had seen Jesus cast out the demons at the synagogue and they went home wondering, “Could he, would he… heal my mom? Heal my dad?” “Let’s go! No, no, we can’t go yet. It’s the Sabbath. We have to wait until 6:00pm and the new days begins.” Can you just imagine the picture as these people looked out the door, standing in the entryway, and watching as it becomes evening and the sun is setting—so they can go to Jesus for help. Pain does that.  It causes God’s Church to seek out healing from Jesus.

Maybe you can relate!  It’s Sunday morning.  You’re loaded down with a week’s worth of worry and stress and pain and sickness and guilt. You look forward to going to see Jesus for help. You head for the place where you know you’ll receive help from Jesus through hearing the promises of his Word, remembering you’re a baptized child of God, or celebrating the Lord’s Supper for forgiveness, peace and hope. And again, Mark records it so beautifully. 33 The whole town gathered at the door. 34 He healed many people who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. Jesus healed them because he cared for them physically.

Friend, Jesus cares about your physical needs, too.  Even if you suffer with a lingering illness—he hasn’t forgotten you. Ultimately deep down we know that even when the time comes when Jesus won’t heal us, not because he can’t, but because he wants something better for you than this life. He wanted it so badly that he went to a cross to pay the price you owed and rose from the grave to assure you of the place where no one needs to be healed—to deliver us from evil and take us to heaven. This is Jesus’ plan for you.

Because He Cares About Your Spiritual Health

We can well imagine the conversations that took place between Jesus, his disciples and the crowds from sunset until the late hours of the night because Jesus had a plan to care for people.  Then what?  Mark continues, 35 Jesus got up early in the morning, while it was still dark, and went out. He withdrew to a solitary place and was praying there.  If there were ever a time to sleep in, you’d think Jesus earned it. But instead, he wakes up while it’s still dark out to get away from the hustle and bustle of disciples and people wanting help so that he can talk with his Father. And what did he pray about? Well, what was his all-consuming and only passion?  Jesus Cared About Your Spiritual Health!  Not only is he spending time with his Father perfectly in our place, but laying down an example for us.  

Jesus, the holy God, not only had time to pray, he made time to pray. If you’re too busy to pray, then you’re too busy!  One church father said, “If there was ever a reason to be sober in the evening, it is so that you can get up early in the morning to pray and read God’s Word.” Have you ever noticed that when you skip this part of the day, you can say, “I’ll get to it later” and then five simple tasks chase you around all day?  It’s time for us to put first things first and spend time with Jesus in the Word and prayer!  Jesus had a perfect Plan To Heal You Spiritually.  You trust in Jesus as your Savior, you have been empowered to serve him!  The Holy Spirit gives us joy of being healed by Jesus’ forgiveness of all our sins as he serves us through his Word.  This is our greatest, eternal healing.  It is his plan for us to proclaim the spiritual healing we have received with others, too.

Jesus knew there were so many more people who needed to learn about God’s eternal plan for them as well.  So when,

36 Simon and his companions searched for him, 37 and, when they found him, they said to him, “Everyone is looking for you!” 38 He told them, “Let’s go somewhere else, to the neighboring villages, so that I can preach there too. In fact, that is why I have come.” 39 Then he went throughout the whole region of Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons.”

This is the Church God Wants.  It’s a Church that makes a plan to share the forgiveness of Jesus with more people.  The Church shared his message through his Word and opened your eyes to see how he didn’t choose the path of super-star faith healer, but instead chose the path that led to a cross on Calvary—to heal you, not just physically, but eternally. This is Jesus’ plan for you.  Let’s be the Church God Wants and share the healing Jesus provides for all people.  Peter was blessed to have a mother-in-law that was healed so she in turn could serve her Savior.  God has given us all Spiritual Gifts to use to serve our Lord and our neighbor.  It is the plan of Divine Peace to provide you an opportunity to learn more about your spiritual gifts and how you can make a plan to use those gifts to proclaim Jesus’ forgiveness to more people.  Make plans today to join us on Saturday, October 14th to be served by Jesus through his Word.  God grant you good physical health, and a thankful heart for your spiritual health so you can make a plan to serve him with your life. That’s the Reason Jesus Heals You—He Has A Plan.  Amen!

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