The Word of God Rides Horses

May 22, 2022

Pastor John Hering

Revelation 19:11-16

Revelation 19:11-16

11 I saw heaven standing open, and there was a white horse! Its rider is called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are like blazing flames, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him, which no one knows except he himself. 13 He is also clothed in a garment that had been dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies in heaven, which were clothed with white, clean, fine linen, were following him on white horses. 15 Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will shepherd them with an iron staff. He himself is going to trample the winepress of the fierce anger of the Almighty God. 16 On his garment and on his thigh this name is written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

When I coached hockey for my kids, the best place for me to stand was right next to the rink where I had a good view of the players and could yell instructions.  You know how it is, the coach wants to be on the front lines with his team and lead them on to victory!  When there is an intense battle going on the general of the army needs to be aware of what all is happening on the battlefield.  The best place for the general to be is a place where he can gather all the information in order to properly make decisions to win the battle. Likewise, where is the best place for a president to live and keep his office? I suppose a president should be where he can have the most contact with the most people. A leader’s office should be accessible to as many people as possible and shouldn’t be isolated from the issues and problems facing the people he serves. Where should the CEO of a major company spend his time? Obviously he needs to be in the place where he can be most effective and can give the best leadership.

Today we are spending time watching a portion of the vision that Jesus gave to St. John. This Revelation from Jesus gives us a glimpse into heaven to see our Ascended Lord with a visual you’ll never forget!  As the victorious Savior of all people, of all time, of all places, where do you think is the best place for Jesus to be? I might think Jesus should be living in the DFW metroplex!  You are thinking he should live right here in Austin.  And can you believe it?  Some people think Jesus should set up his rule in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount?  But, wait!  Sounds like I’m trying to compare Jesus to a coach, a general, or the CEO of a world-wide company!  In the portion of God’s Word we observe the Ruler of the Kingdom of God.  We see Jesus on a white horse in heaven!  He is right where he needs to be!

The Word of God Rides a White Horse

Giving Grace to God’s People

From a human perspective the Apostle John could have been wondering about the wisdom behind Jesus’ ascension into heaven. After all John was exiled to the Island of Patmos for proclaiming God’s Word.  The Christians churches that had been established by the Apostles were under attack. It might have seemed as though Jesus had forgotten him and the whole Christian church on earth. But Jesus graciously gave John this Revelation to show his people that Jesus was in the perfect place to Give Grace to God’s People.  Through this vision John was convinced that Jesus had ascended to the highest throne in the whole universe. From there at the right hand of the Father Jesus ruled all things for the good of his people, the Church.  Jesus was in the best place to lead, make decisions, be accessible and the most effective to Give Grace to God’s People.

Listen again what John saw that revealed Jesus to be exactly where he needed to be. 11 I saw heaven standing open, and there was a white horse! Its rider is called Faithful and True, and he judges and makes war in righteousness.” Jesus gave John a picture of his wonderful grace that answers the questions about Jesus’ gracious control.  Jesus is called “Faithful.”  The Word of God has revealed how faithful Jesus has been.  He was sent by the Father to live a perfect life.  He faithfully did that.  His mission was to offer his perfect human blood and powerful divine blood that payment for all our sins.  He faithfully did that.  He defeated Satan and proved his victory by rising from the dead.  If you were going to give Jesus a nickname, call Jesus “Faithful!” And you may also call Jesus “True.”  Jesus told his disciples he would suffer and die.  It happened.  It’s true.  He told them he would rise from the dead.  It happened.  It’s true.  As Jesus ascended into heaven he told them he would never leave them or forsake them.  It’s happening.  It’s true.  Jesus promised, “he judges and makes war in righteousness.”  Picture it!  The Word of God rides the White Horse as he perfectly (righteously) judges the hearts and works of people and fights the battles we face in our lives pouring out His Grace to all God’s People. Love the picture of our perfect Savior riding a white horse (honor, power and dominion).  Do you have a pet sin that haunts you, worrying about the future of our world, or doubting that God is in control?  God shared his Word of forgiveness with you, he created faith in your heart to receive that forgiveness.  You are God’s people living under that grace.  God also wants you to remain in faith, peace and hope as

He Raises Up Leaders For God’s People.

O how we love the gift of grace that Jesus gives from his place of power.  We have forgiveness of our sins and eternal salvation.  While this picture of Jesus gives us great comfort and hope, we also see Jesus busy for the sake of his Church, his people.  12 His eyes are like blazing flames, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him, which no one knows except he himself. 13 He is also clothed in a garment that had been dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies in heaven, which were clothed with white, clean, fine linen, were following him on white horses.”  This picture of Jesus with “eyes like blazing flames” is repeated in God’s Word.  Isaiah (10:16), Daniel (7:9).  It reminds us that there is nothing hidden from God who is able to distinguish all things with wisdom and scrutiny. And the crowns are another picture used in God’s Word to remind us that Jesus is the King of all things. And his name.  You can walk around the world, go to the most beautiful places God created and know there is a God.  But, 1) who that God is and 2) what he has done for to save us cannot be known unless it is revealed to you.  You know his name because one of God’s leaders told you about Jesus.  Verse 16 16 On his garment and on his thigh this name is written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”  God has revealed that name to us in the Word of God.  And in verse 13 is the only place in the Bible where Jesus is given this name: “The Word of God.”  We recognize this as the title for the Holy Book inspired by God for us.  God’s leaders use this Holy Book to teach us about all Jesus has done for us.  Here is an example: Here the Revelation says, 13 He is also clothed in a garment that had been dipped in blood.”  We are very familiar with the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross, but this blood is similar to the account from Isaiah 63 when Isaiah asked, Why is your clothing so red? Why are your garments like those of someone who has been trampling grapes in a winepress? (The Victorious Servant’s Response) I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples there was no one with me. So I stomped on them in my anger, and I trampled them in my wrath, and their juice splattered on my garments. I stained all my clothing.  This is the blood of Jesus’ enemies.  The Word of God Who Rides the White Horse is victorious.  And you would not know this if it had not been revealed to you by a leader God raised up to tell you.

This same Ascended Lord continues to proclaim this victorious message through Leaders he has Raised up in the Church For God’s People. 14 The armies in heaven, which were clothed with white, clean, fine linen, were following him on white horses.” You remember your parents, Sunday School teachers, maybe Christian Day School teachers and pastors who proclaimed Jesus’ victory to you.  From generation to generation God Raises Up Leaders in the Church For His People. Give thanks to the Lord for this picture of all those who proclaimed God’s Word to us.  May this also serve as a reminder that it is our call to eagerly to share God’s law to expose sin and to share Jesus’ love and forgiveness to bring peace and hope (in society, at work, with your family and friends).  Tell them The Word of God who Rides the White Horse continues to rule all things for the benefit of God’s people.  It also means we need to encourage young people to consider full time service as leaders in God’s Kingdom so that the Word of God (Jesus) continues to rule the hearts and lives of people.  

These verses remind me of how the Lord led me into the ministry. My mom told me that when I was in kindergarten I stood on the ledge of the fireplace and said, “I want to be a missionary and tell people about Jesus.”  But to get from that fireplace to this pulpit took the encouragement of my mom and dad, my grandpa, my pastors and teachers. Through high school, college, and seminary the Lord of the Church supplied his grace and gifts so that I now have the privilege of standing in this pulpit and Jesus to you.  The Lord of the Church continues to raise up leaders for his people in every generation

Growing God’s Kingdom Through God’s People

The disciples were certainly blessed in so many ways as they lived side by side with Jesus.  But, even they needed to grow in the their knowledge and faith.  Like you, I’m also amazed that at Jesus’ Ascension account the disciples ask Jesus, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?” The disciples were still expecting Jesus to sit on a throne in Jerusalem. They wanted an earthly kingdom with all the glory and majesty of King David or King Solomon. Jesus simply reminded them of their mission to be his witnesses. Soon they would learn what kind of kingdom Jesus was destined to rule. When the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them and after they grew, God through them would grow his Church!

The Apostle John saw how the ascended would Grow God’s Kingdom Through His People. 15 Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. He will shepherd them with an iron staff. He himself is going to trample the winepress of the fierce anger of the Almighty God.” Far from being distant and ineffective Word of God who Rides a White Horse continue to Grow God’s Kingdom Through His People.  The Lord God uses people like you and me to proclaim the powerful Word of God that changes the lives of people.  Let’s not find ourselves standing around staring into heaven wishing Jesus hadn’t ascended!  Let’s put to use the tools Jesus has given us to be blessed by the Holy Spirit to bring repentance and forgiveness to the world. Honor the Word of God shared by the pastors and teachers Jesus sends to you.  Live confidently whether facing health issues, work demands and social issues.  The Ascended Word of God Rides a White Horse of victory with the sharp sword an iron staff of the Bible to continue to conquer his enemies and grow His Kingdom.

Whether people are presidents, generals, CEOs or coaches, we want them to be in the best position in order to rule, protect, direct or encourage those they serve.  Our Ascended Lord Jesus Christ is exactly where we need him to be.  The Word of God is Riding a White Horse with his gospel in Word and sacrament to Give Grace to his people, raise up leaders for his people, and grow his kingdom. May we all continue to be richly blessed from our Ascended Lord!  Amen!

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