Travel With Jesus To the Tree of Life

December 18, 2024

Pastor John Hering

Revelation 22:1–5

Revelation 22:1–5

The angel showed me the river of the water of life, which was as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb. In the middle of the city’s street and on each side of the river was a tree of life that yielded twelve kinds of fruit. The tree yields its fruit every month, and its leaves are for the healing of the nations.

There will no longer be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city. His servants will worship him. They will see his face. His name will be on their foreheads. There will no longer be any night or any need for lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.

We enjoy taking special trips.  My brother and his wife recently traveled to New Zealand to watch Jackie Hering, my sister-in-law, run in an Ironwoman race, who finished in the top 20!  Some of you have recently taken trips that have filled your minds with all sorts of memories!  The Word of God for our meditation presents a picture of heaven. It is a picture, for to be in heaven with the Tree of Life that is far beyond our comprehension.  However, in order that we might anticipate our joy in heaven the Bible pictures our life as a journey that very often seems like a rat’s race.  Remember what Paul wrote to the Philippians?

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Phil 3:14). 

So we also press on toward our goal of being in heaven forever with Jesus—that is called “Paradise.”

The story of this trip really started back in Genesis. For what is the future paradise but a return to the original paradise? What is that eternal life but a restoration of the way God originally intended life to be? Now just think how that helps us focus our attention on Jesus and his work.  It was his purpose and goal to work here on earth because he wants you to join him in Paradise.  So you have learned and now belief that by the grace of God and the powerful working of the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacrament you have been brought to depend on Jesus, to be worthy of heaven because of Jesus.  So, we have also learned to trust in God’s promises that Jesus is with us during good times and bad times during our life-long journey.  I suppose we could sum it all up like this: Because of the salvation won by Jesus Christ, access to the Tree of Life has been restored.  So, following the Revelation to St. John let’s

Travel With Jesus To the Tree of Life

Coming Full Circle

When a small child must be immunized, it doesn’t help much to explain to him that the shots are good for him. But it does help to get him get through it if you promise to take them to Braum’s for ice cream afterward. So, we know Revelation chapter 22 is part of a vision the Lord gave to St. John who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to record it for God’s people.  They were going through persecution for being Christians but the Lord gives them this magnificent glimmer of what heaven will be like.  Likewise we hear this Word and can’t help but be filled with anticipation, encouragement and strength as we await the day God calls us to Paradise. Knowing what awaits us in heaven gives us the comfort and assurance that the suffering and struggle which accompany the Christian’s life is well worth the wait as we Come Full Circle.

Remember how the first Eden in Genesis that had a river that flowed through it and watered the whole garden. In this vision of paradise, this is what we see:

“The angel showed me the river of the water of life, which was as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb.” 

The first Garden of Eden had a tree of life, which produced fruit that sustained eternal life to anyone who ate it. After sin entered the world, Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden and could no longer have access to the Tree of Life.   This tree was destroyed in the Great Flood, but it shows up again in the vision of Paradise,

In the middle of the city’s street and on each side of the river was a tree of life that yielded twelve kinds of fruit. The tree yields its fruit every month, and its leaves are for the healing of the nations.”

Paradise was lost.  Sin ruined it.  Jesus saved us.  Paradise is restored.  That’s the point when we’re told, “There will no longer be any curse.”  In heaven we will come full circle.  Adam and Eve enjoyed life without sin for a short time, but we will once again enjoy that perfect life forever.  The curse of death, hell, Satan, and any kind of suffering will be erased. For just like a river of crystal clear water, Christ’s flawless, pure righteousness and the forgiveness of sins give us life forever, and the effects of his death on the cross will never run dry. Just like a tree of life that produces much fruit and even has leaves with healing power, Jesus said, “I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10).  What a great promise to come full circle, to have a full life as we Travel With Jesus To the Tree of Life

Escaping the Curse of Sin

While we are traveling in this life, we all know the effects of sin.  You want to enjoy time outside and rain comes to ruin the picnic.  It doesn’t rain and we have dried up lakes.  It snows and it causes traffic to skid down the roads.  It doesn’t snow and farmer’s fields don’t get the nitrogen they need for healthy harvests.  And these things hardly come to mind as being effects of sin.  Usually sin causes us to have pain, to hurt, to have regret, and sorrow.  But, for God’s children it also causes us to have repentance.   It is hard to imagine what it is going to be like to escape the curse of sin.  We can dream about such an abundant life that our bodies are not held back or crippled with sin.  And if we enjoy anything too much, we become enslaved by it and it becomes the death of us. Whatever we might enjoy doing, whether in work or pleasure, ceases when we go to our graves. But in heaven, there will not be too much of a good thing. There will be perfect satisfaction. Our enjoyment will never cease. No pleasure will have a bitter side effect. How often haven’t we talked about Paradise in terms of enjoying the things with which we will be able to occupy ourselves without the fatigue we experience now!

The Apostle John’s vision alludes to this:

“The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city. His servants will worship him.”

Look up “worship” in the dictionary and it will say something like this: “reverent honor and homage paid to God.” Imagine how awesome our worship in Paradise will be!  Imagine worshiping our God without the dullness, monotony, and sleepiness of our sinful flesh weighing us down. Add to that the fact that right now we can “only” take God at his Word. We cling to his promises by faith. But in Paradise we will have Escaped the Curse of Sin and we will see God’s own face—the same God who has been making all these promises. We will finally have the real thing.  The escape of sin will be real.  About all we can say to this is, “Amen!”  But, I’m not quite done yet.

We are told, “They will see his face. His name will be on their foreheads.” That will be the greatest source of joy for us. Nothing else will be so fulfilling and satisfying as seeing his face. For the sole object of our faith is to have God. Peter’s first reaction when he saw the glorified Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration was to say, “Lord it is good for us to be here. Let’s stay awhile! [my paraphrase]” He wanted to keep the Lord with him.  In heaven we can.

In Paradise there will be no danger of us losing our salvation, no temptations or bad influences to struggle against, for Scripture says that his name will be on [our] foreheads. In a sense, we’ll be branded, or labeled, by God as we were at our baptisms, so that he will not lose us and we won’t lose track of him either. It will be the ultimate relief.

Escaping the darkness of sin is also pictured for us. All gardens need light to stay green and healthy. In the Garden of Paradise, we are told,

There will no longer be any night or any need for lamplight or sunlight, because the Lord God will shine on them. And they will reign forever and ever.”

Even now, God repeats his promise of Paradise to us each time we hear the blessing, “The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you.” Just as Jesus Christ rules all things, so we will be in perfect harmony with his rule and reign with him forever.  Talk about having importance, significance, a sense that you are a somebody! Look forward to the escape of sin and the joy of being with the Lord forever.

Remember that awesome vacation you enjoyed.  That’s nothing compared to what is waiting for us in heaven as we enjoy the fruit from the Tree of Life. As you observe the dark days of Lent and soon the days of Holy Week and even the joyfulness of Easter morning, do not lose sight of what it was that Christ was accomplishing. By his death and resurrection, he won for you this Garden of Paradise. In the course of your own suffering and difficulties here on earth, do not lose sight of what awaits you. God encourages you with this picture beautiful vision of Paradise.  So, keep trusting in Jesus as your Savior.  Travel With Jesus To the Tree of Life.  Amen!

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