Trust the Helper From Heaven

May 23, 2021

Pastor John Hering

John 14:25-27

John 14:25-27

25 “I have told you these things while staying with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I told you.  27 Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not let it be afraid.”

There was this guy walking in the downtown square and he noticed a big sign in the window that said, “Pants & Shirts Pressed Here.”  That was perfect timing!  He had just finished washing and drying his laundry and he really didn’t want to iron his clothes, so he went home and grabbed the laundry basket, stopped at the shop and unloaded the basket on the counter.  The shopkeeper came up from the back and said, “What are you doing?”  The guy said, “I brought my clothes here to be pressed just like the sign says!”  The shopkeeper said, “Oh, you’ve got it all wrong.  We don’t do that here.  We’re in the business of making signs, not doing what the signs say!”

I wonder how many Christians could be seen with signs hung around their necks that say, “Jesus made me the light of the world,” but fail to practice what it says.  You know, forgiving, helpful, generous, kind, and loving others.  Some of us find it easier to argue with people, than support them; we’re quick to take a stand on abortion, but slow to help a women with a problem pregnancy; some would rather write a check out to the Good Samaritan fund rather than spend an afternoon helping a homeless person.  We have signs in the window, but have trouble doing what they say.  This could also be said for church membership that includes attendance and offerings rather than the more complicated work of practicing our faith so obviously in our life that others see Jesus through us.  Research shows this is one reason so many people don’t like organized religion—because too many Christians don’t walk the talk.

Today is Pentecost and the Holy Spirit points us to Jesus who did everything that he said he was going to do.  Yes, Jesus has ascended into heaven, but he hasn’t backed off his office as Prophet, Priest and King.  Jesus still wants his Word proclaimed, for people to love their neighbor, and to rule our hearts and our neighbors’ heart.  Do you need help living what your heart believes?   Then it is time for us to

Trust the Helper From Heaven

Who Counsels You With Jesus’ Words

So, are there projects at home that you would just love to get at?  You know, the room that is so cluttered you can’t hardly walk into it anymore?  The windows that need to be caulked and washed?  The bushes that need to be pulled having died in the Texas Winter Storm of 2021?  There is plenty to do there, but what about in your day to day life as a Christian?  Your heart needs to have comfort from stress.  Your mouth needs courage to speak the truth of God’s Word to a relative or friend who is living in sin.  Your hands and arms need strength to pick up the Bible and dig into God’s Word.  Perhaps you just don’t have the know-how to do them quickly and easily.  Jesus tells us you have a Helper From Heaven that Counsels You With His Words!  25 “I have told you these things while staying with you. 26 But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name.

The title Jesus used for the Holy Spirit here is, “Comforter & Advocate (Paraclete).”  This word was used in the Greek for an attorney with tons of legal expertise, understanding and skill.  Think how helpful that would be to have!  Our Comforter understands the complicated codes of the law who can get results that you could never get by yourself.  He has mastered the art of presenting your case to judges and juries with great skill at redirecting false accusation to protect you.  This is God the Holy Spirit!  This is Your Helper From Heaven who understands all things, masters all things, anticipates all things, and then teaches you all the things you need to know for a good decision or proper course of action.

How does the Holy Spirit do this?  Jesus said, The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I told you. This statement was prophecy for the disciples since some of them would be carried along by the Holy Spirit to later on collect the Words and Works of Jesus into books and letters written to the early believers.  This promise also applies to our Christian to-do list that may seems as impossible to us as writing a book of the Bible would have been to Matthew or John.  So, the Holy Spirit Counsels You with Words from Jesus.  Maybe it’s a Bible Passage you learned in Kingdom Kids or Sunday School.  Maybe it’s the Apostles’ Creed or portions of the liturgy you learned growing up.  Maybe it’s a hymn verse you just can’t get out of your head, a steady diet of sermons and Bible Classes, or even a religious plaque at home.  When the disciples and us remember Jesus’ Words we receive the Holy Spirit’s help from heaven.  Just think how this Holy Spirit Help changed the disciples after Jesus ascended into heaven.  They became bolder believers, more passionate proclaimers, and wiser witnesses NOT because they found a better web site or more inspirational pod-cast, but because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit that pointed them to Jesus and his inspirational words!  That same Holy Spirit is at work today through the Gospel in Word and Sacrament if you will listen.  Jesus’ Words guide you in order to help a women with a problem pregnancy, a homeless person, or someone who just needs to hear that Jesus loves them and forgives all their sins and help you be the Christian you wanted to be, but couldn’t do it on your own.  Trust the Helper From Heaven Who Counsels You With Jesus’ Words and

Who Comforts You with Jesus’ Peace

We all want peace in our life and all too often when we fulfill our life as a Christian witness in this world it is anything but peaceful.  I want you to picture for yourself two paintings.  One of the paintings is a serene landscape with a beautiful sunset over a peaceful lake where you can almost hear the soothing calls of loons and crickets.  Ahhhh!  The other painting trembles violently with thunder and lightning over rocky cliffs hundreds of feet above the ground, with a waterfall that crashes into the rocky river below.  One of these paintings describes peace better than the other one—the painting of the storm!  Look closely—there on the ledge is an eagle’s nest tucked into the rocks with the mother eagle spreading her wings over the nest of eaglets protecting them from all harm.  Think of this when you hear Jesus say, 27 “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, and do not let it be afraid.”

I know.  Our world thinks of peace as the lack of conflict, hardship, sickness, pain, suffering arguments and war even if our personal comfort and easy living is at the expense of inflicting pain and hardship on others!   That’s not peace.  Real peace is security in the midst of the storm. This peace we have from Jesus.  This peace is knowing we have Jesus’ life given for us, Jesus’ resurrection proving his victory for us, Jesus’ reign in heaven to provide security in the midst of the storms of life.  Trust this Peace from the Comforter, the Helper, the Counselor who Comforts You With Jesus’ Peace.  Perhaps one of the clearest passages of this peace from Jesus is recorded in John 16:33 In this world you are going to have trouble. But be courageous! I have overcome the world.

You will not find this peace at the shopping mall, or in your bank account, or even looking into the mirror.  The peace Jesus gives is more about changing you than changing your circumstances.  Or as the prophet Ezekiel said, like giving new life to dry up bones!  Even when you feel confused, guilty, lonely, weak, or even when facing death—the Holy Spirit comforts you with Jesus’ peace.  Dear Christian Friends, Trust the Help we Have From Heaven!  This is the kind of help we need.  This is the help that gives us a foundation on which to build our lives.  This is the help that carries us across the finish line to heaven.

This summer is the Olympics in Japan.  There are all sorts of stories that can be told of people who worked so hard to do their best at these games.  Perhaps some of you have heard of Derek Redmond.  Derek was a British runner who broke many records for relay races at the age of 19.  An injury forced him to back out of the 1988 Olympics in Seoul S Korea.  He had five surgeries but rebound to participate in the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona.  On the day of the 400-meter race, 65,000 fans streamed into the stadium.  One of those fans was Jim, Derek’s father, who attended all of his son’s world competitions.  The gun started off the race and Derek fired into the lead of the pack. “Keep it up, Keep it up” Jim said to himself as his son was accelerating down the final stretch and getting ready to easily win the race.  Then Derek heard a “pop.”  He pulled his right hamstring and pulled up lame.  He nearly fell and hopped on his good leg a few more steps before he stopped.  At the same time his father saw the injury he ran to his son’s aid as Derek hobbled down the track to the finish line with the assistance of his father. The fans were roaring with support as he crossed the finish line.  After the race his father was interviewed and he said, “I’m the proudest father alive.  I’m prouder of him than if he had won the race.  It took a lot of guts for him to do what he did!”   Together they did what they had promised to do so many times—“Finish the race no matter what!”

There are many times when Christians look like people with signs around their necks that say, “Jesus Made Me the Light of the World,” but give little of any effort to run the good race of faith.  It’s time for you and me to be what Jesus has made us.  Jesus gave us the Helper to be what Jesus has made us.  Now I’m not going to ask you to make your promise to Jesus to walk the talk.  I’m going to do better.  I’m going to tell you that Jesus has made the promise to you.  He already sent the Holy Spirit to Counsel You With Jesus’ Words and Comfort You With Jesus’ Peace.  Whether you are running along at full stride or limping along at a snail’s pace, the Holy Spirit points you to Jesus at your side Counseling you and Comforting You.  So, what do you say?  Trusting our Helper From Heaven let’s do what our signs say and run the race by his grace until we cross the finish line into heaven.  Amen.

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